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Rolla has a mask mandate; we will get through this. It’s time to do something different.

We have an opportunity to do something ground breaking. 80% of cases in Wuhan were found to be from close contact in the home. Community spread is a problem but not nearly as big as an issue as close contact spread in the home. So a key strategy to limiting case is getting people to recognize the disease and quickly isolate from others.  

Here is a diferent idea to help these patients with families.There is money from the Cares act to pay for this. 

We can set up contracts with local motels that would give infected patients a place to isolate from the family. Hear me through please. Don’t force anyone to go there, give them an opportunity to isolate away in a safe place. Obviously if you live alone you won’t need this. I like the idea of motels because there are no interior hallways. This won't be for everyone. For some it can be a game changer.    

If a person feels sick, they go to the motel. The health department or hospital test them for COVID. If they are positive, they stay there for 10 to 14 days. We bring them food etc. Let them get over the virus then go home. Obviously if the initial COVID test comes back negative they patient goes home.

We heard tonight that the county has a million dollars in Cares act funding. At $50 a night we could help a lot of people and lower familiar spread in the community. This would lower the burden on the hospital. 

If you feel a little sick, assume its COVID until you can prove it isn’t. Stay home, get well.

Wash your hands, distance and wear a mask when you can’t.

Dr. David Moreland


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November 23, 2020
Team Member
Dr. Moreland

Dr. Moreland offers many different treatment options. He utilizes hands on adjusting and he offers activator as well to patients that prefer this method. Dr. Moreland is very mindful to the type of Chiropractic treatment you prefer. He is an expert in treating herniated disc. Many offices claim to treat sports injuries, Dr. Moreland is the only local board certified sports physician. Dr. Moreland is a Rolla native and lives in Rolla. He is here when you need him. He has been in the same office for the past 25 years.